• おすすめの記事
  • 2016.11.15

Toward the effective geodetic observation network

About 40 tracking stations all over the world are currently operational for Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), a very precise geodetic technique. Otsubo et al. (2016) ran a unique simulation to find the optimal place of a future SLR station. The answer depends on a geodetic product and one example is shown for the center of gravity of the Earth: the X and Y components are largely improved by a high-latitude station especially in the southern hemisphere, whereas the Z component is improved by a low-latitude station. もっと読む

  • おすすめの記事
  • 2016.10.14

In-flight scalar calibration of the Swarm magnetometry package

Tøffner-Clausen et al. (2016) presented the in-flight scalar calibration and characterisation of the Swarm magnetometry package consisting of the absolute scalar magnetometer, the vector magnetometer, and the spacecraft structure supporting the instruments. A significant improvement in the scalar residuals between the pairs of magnetometers is demonstrated, confirming the high performance of these instruments. もっと読む

  • おすすめの記事
  • 2016.10.14

Thermospheric inter-annual variability

Using a 46-year-long dataset of the thermospheric density during 1967–2012, Liu (2016) examined the inter-annual variability in the thermosphere at 400 km and its potential connection to El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and stratospheric Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO). Wavelet analysis reveals two major modes of the thermosphere inter-annual oscillation, with the slower mode having an average period of ~64 months and the faster mode of ~28 months. もっと読む

  • おすすめの記事
  • 2016.09.07

Tsunami resilience of Haydarpaşa Port of the megacity Istanbul

The Marmara region located at the western extension of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) is one of the most tectonically active zones in Turkey. Numerous catastrophic events such as earthquakes or earthquake/landslide-induced tsunamis have occurr… もっと読む

  • おすすめの記事
  • 2016.09.07

Source rupture processes of 2016 Kumamoto earthquake

The 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence started with an MJMA 6.5 foreshock occurring along the northern part of the Hinagu fault, central Kyushu, Japan, and the MJMA 7.3 mainshock occurred just 28 h after the foreshock. Asano and Iwata (2016) analyzed … もっと読む
