- News
- April 9, 2017
EPS papers on the Kumamoto earthquake are listed as “Hot papers” in Web of Science

Source rupture processes of the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquakes estimated from strong-motion waveforms
By: Kubo, H., Suzuki, W., Aoi, S. et al., EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE, 68, 161, Published: OCT 3 2016.

Source rupture processes of the foreshock and mainshock in the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence estimated from the kinematic waveform inversion of strong motion data
By: Asano, K. Iwata, T., EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE, 68, 147, Published: AUG 31 2016.

Rupture process of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake in relation to the thermal structure around Aso volcano
By: Yagi, Y. Okuwaki, R. Enescu, B. et al., EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE, 68, 118, Published: JUL 14 2016.
These three EPS papers on the Kumamoto earthquake are listed as "Hot papers" in Web of Science.