Earth, Planets and Space (EPS) is an international, peer-reviewed and open access e-journal publishing high-quality scientific articles in the Earth and Planetary Sciences, particularly geomagnetism, aeronomy, space science, seismology, volcanology, geodesy, and planetary science. EPS also welcomes articles in new and interdisciplinary subjects, including those on new instrumentation.
Impact Factor (2023) : 3.0
5-Yr Impact Factor (2023) : 2.9
New Release
Impact Factor (2023) for EPS
[Frontier Letter] Recent advances in earthquake seismology using machine learning
2024年6月12日Recommended articles
[Frontier Letter] Forecasting the fate of vertically propagating dikes from geodetic data
2024年6月7日Recommended articles
The 2023 EPS Young Researcher Award
The 2023 EPS Excellent Paper Award
[Frontier Letter] A brief review of single silicate crystal paleointensity: rock-magnetic characteristics, mineralogical backgrounds, methods and applications
2024年4月11日Recommended articles
[Frontier Letter] Simulation study of atmosphere–ionosphere variations driven by the eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai on 15 January 2022
2024年2月27日Recommended articles
Highlighted Papers 2023
Excellent Reviewers 2023
[Frontier Letter] New aspects of the upper atmospheric disturbances caused by the explosive eruption of the 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai volcano
2023年11月28日Recommended articles
[Frontier Letter] Monitoring of equatorial plasma bubbles using aeronautical navigation system: a feasibility study
2023年11月1日Recommended articles
[Frontier Letter] A review of shallow slow earthquakes along the Nankai Trough
2023年10月30日Recommended articles
[Frontier Letter] Unified approach for evaluation of horizontal site amplification factors with special reference to history of studies on the effects of surface geology on seismic motion
2023年8月6日Recommended articles
EPS is jointly published by the following societies.
These five societies are members of the Japan Geoscience Union.