- News
- April 10, 2017
Recent four EPS papers are listed as “Highly Cited Papers” in Web of Science

International Geomagnetic Reference Field: the 12th generation
By: Thebault, E., Finlay, C.C.; Beggan, C.D., et al., EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE, 67, 79, Published: MAY 27 2015.

DTU candidate field models for IGRF-12 and the CHAOS-5 geomagnetic field model
By: Finlay, C.C., Olsen, N., Toffner-Clausen, L., EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE, 67, 114, Published: JUL 22 2015.

Strong ground motion in the Kathmandu Valley during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake
By: Takai, N, Shigefuji, M, Rajaure, S., et al., EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE, 68, 10, Published: JAN 26 2016.

Rupture process of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake in relation to the thermal structure around Aso volcano
By: Yagi, Y. Okuwaki, R. Enescu, B. et al., EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE, 68, 118, Published: JUL 14 2016.
These four EPS papers on the Kumamoto earthquake are listed as "Highly Cited Papers" in Web of Science.